January 30, 2023

How you can make a living selling artificial artwork

Discover how everyday people and massive companies are creating and selling AI-generated artwork.

How you can make a living selling artificial artwork

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Artificial artwork

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way we create and consume art. From simple text prompts, AI tools can generate beautiful, compelling artwork that rivals that of human-made creations. This has led to a growing market for AI-generated art, with many artists and entrepreneurs finding success in selling their creations online. In this blog post, we will explore how you can make a living selling artificial artwork, including tips and tricks for getting started and some of the best AI tools to use for creating your own art.

Creating artificial art

One of the most popular AI tools for creating artificial artwork is OpenAI's DALL-E 2, a state-of-the-art generative model that can create high-quality images from text prompts. Another powerful tool is Midjourney, which allows you to create and train your own AI models to generate art in your preferred style. Stable Diffusion is also a popular option, which allows users to generate images in a variety of styles and resolutions.

Recently, Adobe has announced that they will start selling images generated by AI-powered tools, such as the ones listed above. Rapid advancements in generative AI systems have increased their popularity over the past few months. Users of these tools can generate detailed images using just a text prompt.

Tips and tricks for selling artificial art:

Overall, by understanding the capabilities and limitations of AI art tools, experimenting with different techniques, and effectively showcasing and pricing your creations, you can turn your passion for artificial artwork into a successful business venture.

  1. Showcase your work: Share your AI-generated art on social media, online marketplaces, and your own website to attract buyers.
  2. Use the right keywords: Make sure to include relevant keywords in your artwork's title and description to increase visibility and reach potential buyers.
  3. Create a unique selling point: Highlight the unique aspects of your art, such as the AI tools and techniques used to create it, to set it apart from other artificial artwork.
  4. Network with other artists: Connect with other AI artists and entrepreneurs to learn from their experiences and gain inspiration.
“The great artist is the simplifier.” - Vincent Van Gogh
A brand new opprotunity

Creating and selling artificial artwork is a unique and exciting opportunity for those interested in the intersection of art and technology. With the help of AI tools like DALL-E 2, midjourney, and stable diffusion, anyone can create beautiful and compelling pieces of art from a simple text prompt. As the technology continues to advance, the possibilities for artificial artwork are endless. Whether you're an artist looking to expand your creative horizons or an entrepreneur seeking a new venture, this is an exciting time to explore the world of artificial artwork. With the right tools and a bit of creativity, the sky is the limit for what you can achieve.